As a homeowner you need to make sure that you keep up with maintenance on your home. You will need to make upgrades throughout owning the house and might want to add to the house through the time you live there. Your home is a place that you want to feel comfortable but you also want to make sure that it is in good shape as well. There are aspects of the house that are not meant to last forever and after some wear and tear it will need repair and or replacement. One area of the home that will need to be replaced is the roof. You may start to have problems with missing tiles or leaking during a rain storm. The best option may be to have your roof replaced and a new roof installed. Nickerson Roofing outlines how you can prepare to have a new roof placed on your home.
Alert Neighbors of Roof Replacement
There are several things that you want to make sure you do when you are getting a new roof installed. One of the things that you want to make sure you do is alert the neighbors about the project. The roof work will be noisy and that can be problematic to the neighbors. It can be distracting and can be an annoyance to other homes nearby. If you want to be a good neighbor you should make sure they know when the work will be done and how long the project might be taking.
Secure Your Pets when Replacing Your Roof
You also want to make sure that you are ready with a way to secure your pets during the work. There will be roofers and other construction that is happening and this can be alarming to your pets. The other aspect is that the gates may be opened by the workers and you do not want your pets to get loose. Be sure to have a location to secure your pets during the roof installation.
Clear Space Around House for Roofers
You want to make sure that you have met with a professional about a new roof and set a time and date to start the project. When you know when this will occur you can make sure that your home is prepared and the area surrounding is cleared. The path that the roofer will need does not only include the roof but what is around the house. This includes moving your grill, benches, chairs and even kids toys like bikes. You also want to make sure that you move your vehicles and have a spot to part during this time. This is to clear a path but it is also to protect your belongings as well.
Prune Landscape Trees & Plants Before Having Roof Replaced
You also want to make sure that you have your trees looked at and pruned back before the work begins. One of the reasons that your roof may be in bad shape is from your overgrown trees. That is why to ensure that the roofer is able to work and your new roof is protected you have your trees pruned.
Roof Repair, Replacement & More in Truckee, Mystic, Tahoe City, Kings Beach & The North Lake Tahoe Basin of California
Nickerson Roofing can make sure that you have a new roof installed. Call us today!