It can be quite disheartening when a rapid rain storm approaches and you find yourself with water accumulating in your home. The cost to replace your roof can be substantial. Fortunately, there are some fairly simple steps that can be taken to keep your roof strong and leak free. Nickerson Roofing would like to share some tips for maintaining a leak free roof.
Visually Inspect Your Roof in Early Spring and Late Fall
As spring approaches many people enjoy giving their house a deep clean. It’s a good time to clean those cracks and corners that don’t get as much attention on a day to day basis. Not only is it a good time to clean the interior of your home, but the exterior needs some preparation for summer as well. It is a good opportunity to evaluate the exterior of your home, especially your roof. By getting up on your roof to inspect it every six months, it gives you the chance to fix any problems while they are still small.
Check Roof Shingle Conditions
One thing that can be an indication that you will have issues with your roof can be the condition of your shingles. If you see any shingles that are lifted or starting to curl on the corners, they need replaced immediately. Sometimes, if you have experienced a severe storm or strong winds in your area recently, a few shingles can be missing all together. It is much more cost effective to replace a few shingles than to have to replace an entire roof. Make sure your shingles are in good shape and get rid of the ones that aren’t.
Inspect Roof Flashing for Cracks
The material that is around the edge of your roof is what is known as flashing. The edge around vents are called boots. It is important to check the flashing and boots on your roof and make sure they are free from cracks. Even if there are only small cracks, they need to be repaired. These cracks will only get bigger with time and weaken your roof’s ability to keep water out. If you do see cracks it is a good idea to call professionals, like Nickerson Roofing, to repair it to ensure the job is done right. The flashing and boots on your home are key to keeping water out of your home so it is a good idea to make sure they are in working order.
Check Chimney
If you have a chimney, make sure there aren’t any loose bricks or mortar. Loose bricks can let water come in to your home during a storm. If there are any cracks in the mortar they can be sealed with caulking to prevent any leaks.
Remove Roof Debris
A very simple way to keep your roof maintained is to keep debris off of it. Make sure your gutters are cleaned out and aren’t full of leaves and twigs. This will help keep the water running free off your roof. It is also good to keep the trees trimmed that may be surrounding your home. In the winter months, don’t allow large accumulations of snow pile up on top of your roof.
Roof Repair, Replacement & More in Truckee, Mystic, Tahoe City, Kings Beach & The North Lake Tahoe Basin of California
Just like many systems in your home, your roof needs to be maintained. Call Nickerson Roofing for regular roof inspections. We can help you maintain a leak free roof, and avoid needing to prematurely replace your roof. It is a sound investment to have Nickerson Roofing help when repairs are still small and are easily manageable.