If you are like most homeowners, you probably take the roof above your head for granted. It’s true that most of us don’t give our roof much thought until there is a problem with it. However, it is important that you are aware of your roof and are properly maintaining it to ensure you don’t run into serious damage to your home the next time severe weather rolls through. One of the best ways to stay on top of the condition your roof is in is to have a roof inspection done. Nickerson Roofing is here to talk about the best times to have your roof inspected.
Missing Roof Shingles
If you have noticed a leak or can see that you have a couple of shingles missing, it is time to call on a roofing expert to get up there and take a look. If you have some shingles that are gone, it is important they are replaced as soon as possible so that you don’t wind up with significant water damage the next time there is a big storm. If the problem is bigger than just some missing shingles, you may have to consider putting a new roof on your home.
Inspect a Roof After a Severe Storm
It’s no secret that severe weather can wreak havoc on your roof. After you experience a storm that has high winds or hail, there is a chance that you roof was damaged. A lot of the problems that are caused by a serious storm can’t be seen from the ground and require someone to get up on the roof and give your roof a thorough roof inspection.
Should I Get a Roof Inspection Before Buying a House?
When you are getting ready to buy a home, you need to have the roof inspected. The last thing you want is to buy a home and then find out you need to replace the roof. During a roof inspection, a roofing professional can also give you an idea of how long your roof should last moving forward before it needs to get replaced.
How Often Should You Get a Roof Inspection?
Before heading into the winter months, where there is likely going to be heavy snowfall, it’s a good idea to have your roof inspected. This can give you peace of mind in knowing that your roof is up to the task that comes with winter. The last thing you want is to have a leaky roof in the middle of the winter.
Roof Repair, Replacement & More in Truckee, Mystic, Tahoe City, Kings Beach & The North Lake Tahoe Basin of California
If you are worried about your roof, it is time to call on the roofing pros at Nickerson Roofing to make sure your roof is in good condition. We have the experience needed to make sure your roof is ready for the next storm that comes its way. If you have any problems, we can handle repairs or even a full roof replacement.