Many homeowners don’t think about how winter can impact the roof of their homes. There is often heavy snow piled up on top of your roof that also comes with ice. Unfortunately, this can lead to damage. It is important to know what winter roof damage looks like so that you can have it fixed as soon as possible. Nickerson Roofing is here to share some of the signs you might see that point to winter roof damage so that you don’t get stuck with damage to your house as a result.
Attic Leaks & Condensation
If you have an attic in your house, it is important that you check it every once in a while during the winter to see if there is excess moisture and condensation up there. This is a sign that you have shingles lifting up and seals that have been compromised by the ice and snow of winter. This can happen as the freeze and thaw cycles occur over and over again throughout the winter.
Damage to Ceilings, Walls, Windows & Doors
You should also be looking at your ceilings, walls and doors for signs of winter roof damage. Here is what you should be on the lookout for:
– Ceilings: If your roof has been damaged by winter, you might start to notice things like sagging and indents. Keep an eye out for flaking paint as well. If you are experiencing high winds outside, you might notice ceiling creaking sounds that can also indicate damage.
– Walls: Anytime you start to notice bulging, warping, cracking, or leaking on the walls of your home, you should be concerned. This is a big indication of damage to your roof. Another thing to watch out for is cracking and peeling paint on your walls.
– Doors & Windows: You shouldn’t have any doors or windows that are jammed or sticking for any reason. This is something that happens when there is added weight on the roof, and it causes a structural shift. Anytime you notice an increased difficulty in opening doors and windows, you should have the roof checked for damage.
Ground Level Roof Damage
Another way to check your roof for winter damage is to walk around outside and inspect the situation. If you notice that there are any shingle missing, uneven sloping, dents, depressions or other visible damage, you know that you need a roofing contractor right away. Sometimes, it can be difficult to spot all of these issues if you aren’t aware of what you’re looking for. In these cases, it can be helpful to have a roofing contractor come and give your roof a thorough inspection to check for any winter roof damage.
Roof Repair, Replacement & More in Truckee, Mystic, Tahoe City, Kings Beach & The North Lake Tahoe Basin of California
If you suspect your roof sustained damage this winter, you can turn to the professionals at Nickerson Roofing to help you get it fixed so that your home is protected from the elements once more. Call us today!